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Knight Orc (ZX Spectrum)

Publicado: 15 Oct 2012, 18:42
por baltasarq
(por baltasarq)

Knight Orc is a single game, with three sections, and you must start with part one, Loosed Orc, and solve this before proceeding. The computer will display instruccions to do this, when the time comes.

Parts two and three, A Kind of Magic and Hordes of the Mountain King, are linked together, and you can move freely from one to another.

Rainbird Software Ltd 1987.

Desarrollado por Level 9.

Novela e instrucciones entregadas con el juego

Detalle de las instrucciones

Detalle de las instrucciones

Detalle de las instrucciones

Hoja para solicitar pistas entregada con el juego