Big Sleaze, the (ZX Spectrum)

Juegos y programas para Spectrum
MSX Turbo R
MSX Turbo R
Mensajes: 351
Registrado: 07 Sep 2004, 12:00
Ubicación: Orense, España

Big Sleaze, the (ZX Spectrum)

Mensajepor baltasarq » 15 Oct 2012, 18:42

(por baltasarq)

New York, the late 1930s. You control the destiny of Sam Spillade,
stereotype private detective and general all round-thicko. Sam operates his business (Spillade Investigations: "No case too small or too cheap") from a first floor office in the heart of the city. Your task is to solve the cases that come his way...

Piranha 1987.

Desarrollado por Delta 4.

-- Baltasar

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